what is sexual addiction?

What is sexual addiction?

Sexual addiction is a term used by the counseling community. It is defined as an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges, or activities that can’t be controlled and cause distress or harm your health, relationships, career, or other aspects of your life. The scripture uses words like “stronghold” or “captive” to sin.

Is a sex addiction similar to other addictions?

Yes, the “addiction impulse” is what makes it similar. The lustful craving for elicit sex is similar to cravings felt for alcohol or drugs. It’s an out-of-control feeling, never feeling satisfied feeling or fulfilled. You return to the behavior — over and over again — despite being keenly aware of negative consequences.

What does a sexual addict feel about their sexual obsession?

Most people that struggle with sex addiction have these feelings:

  • Guilt, shame, or remorse.

  • Low self-worth.

  • Hopelessness, powerless over the addictive behavior.

  • Depressed, lonely.

  • Fearful, anxious.

  • Suicidal.

What are the signs of sexual addiction?

Here are some traits that are commonly seen in sexual addiction:

  • Obsessed with illicit sex, spend a lot of time fantasizing about sexual urges and engaging in sexual behavior.

  • Masturbate often (once to several times daily).

  • Frequently view pornography. Sources include videos, adult magazines, and the internet (websites, webcams). Masturbation usually accompanies viewing pornography.

  • Spend an excessive amount of time planning sexual activity, figuring out where and how you’ll get your next sexual “high.”

  • Frequently use sexual services. These activities involve human interaction. Behaviors could include phone sex, connections made through internet chat rooms, paying for sexual encounters, visits to strip clubs, having multiple partners or frequent one-night stands.

  • Behavior escalates to reckless sexual activity and sometimes is accompanied by substance abuse to mask shame or break down fear and inhibition.

  • Engage in sexual behaviors that go against your values, religious beliefs, or what society deems appropriate.

  • You can never permanently stop your sexual behavior despite negative consequences to your finances, relationships, health, or emotions.

What are the consequences of sexual addition?

  • Lack of a normal, healthy relationship with your spouse, family, and friends.

  • Downward work performance and career loss from an inability to focus on work or watching pornography at work.

  • Money problems stemming from paying for sexual activities.

  • Health consequences, including pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

  • Use of recreational drugs or drinking an excessive amount of alcohol.

  • Development of mental health conditions, such as stress and anxiety, depression or thoughts of suicide.

  • Potential jail or prison time for sexual offenses.

  • Emotional costs include guilt, shame, and hopelessness.